It seems the hour of the Emperor Dragonfly is upon us! Returning to email I found several sightings of this fabulous insect starting on 11th June at the Wyre Forest and then on 12th June at Prees Heath and also on 13th June at Bridgwalton Quarry near Underton and at Whixall Moss. These fabulous photographs show the apple green thorax and blue abdomen of the male and the striking black dorsal line running down the abdomen. If you look closely you can also see how the insect tucks the first pair of legs up behind the head in flight. Don’t forget that Lesser Emperor is also turning up in the UK with increasing frequency so if you notice a brown thorax and a ‘saddle area’ of blue at just the top of the abdomen bear this in mind. Lesser Emperors are also the only hawkers to oviposit in tandem.