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Clubtails emerging in Shrewsbury…

By May 14, 2020Blog

Sam Rees has sent in these great shots of Common Clubtail seen in Doctor’s Field on the River Severn in Shrewsbury. The close up left shows the clearly separated eyes – the only dragonfly (as opposed to damselfly) in the UK to have this diagnostic character. This sighting should herald a good 2/3 weeks of this species emerging from the River Severn in Shrewsbury.

Elsewhere Stephen Barlow is still enjoying White-faced Darters emerging on Whixall Moss- a teneral male shown below just on the brink of maturing from yellowish to red. Jan Shields has also sent in 2 more great photos of Beautiful Demoiselle -a nice comparison of the male (far below left) and female (far below right). Notice it is only the female that has a splash of white on the wings- the pseudopterostigma.