Geoff Hall has sent in some lovely photos of dragons from The Bog on the Stiperstones. There are some lovely pools there now (and cake close by!) so it’s great for a dragonfly watching visit. Pictured left is a male Southern Hawker behaving perfectly for the camera. Below we have 2 Darters; a female Common Darter (left) with clearly visible antehumeral stripes and a yellow stripe on the legs, and a male Black Darter which is our smallest dragonfly species in the UK. At the bottom we have a male Emerald Damselfly – our only Shropshire ‘spreadwing’ so far. That said, now is the time to keep an eye out for Willow Emerald- another species that holds it’s wings at 45°. The closest record to us was in Wolverhampton, but we expect it soon…see the species page for full details.