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The sun shines on….

By September 15, 2014Blog

After an amazing week of sunshine it’s great to return to a good number of Shropshire records still coming in. I saw a grand total of 1 hawker dragonfly last week flying between tiny remote islands off the coast of NW Scotland- quite unexpected over the sea! Back in Shropshire however the usual late comers are still being reported in good numbers. Black Darter has been seen recently at Wildmoor Pool, Whixall Moss and in Carding Mill Valley where Lee Wilkinson caught this amazing photo of one specimen eating and defecating all at once!

Fiona Argyle also took this pic of a pair in cop at Wildmoor Pool (where she also saw Emerald Damselfly, Common Darter, and a late Common Blue Damselfly):

Common Hawker has also seen at the same 3 locations and photographed by Lee at Carding Mill Valley…

…and by Barrie Smith at Whixall Moss:
Barrie also saw a rather battered Migrant Hawker…
…though fresher specimens are still about as seen by Jay Mitchell near Cound on 8th September …

…along with Ruddy Darter:

It’ll certainly be interesting to see how long the flight season extends into autumn.

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