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White-legged Damselflies at Whixall

By May 24, 2018Blog

Stephen Barlow reports White-legged Damselflies on Llangollen Canal at Whixall Moss and Whixall Marl Allotment -seeing in excess of 50. This species is being surveyed by the BDS this year so all sightings are particularly  important and please do send in the records to our County Recorder Vicky. Stephen’s photos (male left, female right) show the distinctive broad flattened legs which are one of the diagnostic features of this species. They also have chestnut coloured pterostigma when mature which really stand out.

Stephen also saw a good number of Beautiful Demoiselles at Whixall (male left, female right) along with Broad-bodied Chasers, Four-spotted Chasers, White-faced Darters, Azure and Large Red Damselflies. The female Demoiselle pictured here clearly shows a white diffuse patch on the wing referred to as a pseudopterostigma or false pterostigma- also seen in female Banded Demoiselles.