As well as dragonfly walks and talks there are a number of Shropshire based courses that focus on adults, larvae and exuviae and the fascinating life cycle of these insects. If you know of any planned Shropshire dragonfly events that you would like me to list here or if you would like me to give a talk or provide some identification training then please do get in touch.
STOP PRESS: The first 2024 events detailed below…
Introduction to Dragonflies and Damselflies
2 day course
10am-5pm Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st July, 2024.
Preston Montford FSC Centre
Aim: Sue Rees Evans is running a dragonflies and damselflies identification course.
This beginners course is aimed at all those with a desire to learn more about these stunning insects. Open to all levels of ability you will be introduced to a number of dragonflies and damselflies close up so that you will be confident in your ability to identify them and make species records.
The course will include:
An introduction to damselflies and dragonflies and the differences between them
Classroom workshops on the identification of dragonflies and damselflies
Hands-on practice (weather permitting) netting and identifying dragonflies in the field
An explanation of how to take your interest further and actively contribute to the conservation of these insects by making biological records
For full details, booking information and costs please follow this link:
Identification of Dragonfly Larvae and Exuviae
10am-5pm Saturday 7th September, 2024
Preston Montford FSC Centre
Aim: Sue Rees Evans is running a dragonfly larvae and exuviae identification workshop aimed at beginners.
The course commences with an introduction to dragonfly larvae and the part they play in the dragonfly lifecycle. Participants will then be introduced to the features used to identify specimens and an indoor practical workshop then focuses on the identification of exuviae.
After lunch we will focus on larvae, dipping in the field centre ponds and hopefully finding some specimens enabling us to practice some hands-on identification. The afternoon will be completed by returning to the classroom to discuss how to take your interest further by actively contributing biological records to inform the conservation of dragonflies and damselflies.
For full details, booking information and costs please follow this link
A Middle Marches Community Land Trust Event:
Dragonfly Safari at Pam’s Pools Nature Reserve, Bridgnorth
10am-3pm Thursday 11th July 2023
(Fall back date will be Thurs 25th July if bad weather)
Join Shropshire Dragonfly Recorder Sue Rees Evans for a walk in the wilds at Pam’s Pools NR. The aim of the day is to identify and record as many different species of dragonfly and damselfly as we can whilst taking the opportunity to learn about their fascinating lifecycle. The reserve is fairly large so the day will be split into 2 halves:
Morning: 10am – Brief introduction to the life cycle and explanation of how we survey a site for dragonflies. We’ll then walk around Upper and Lower Pools using live specimens to illustrate the differences between dragon and damselflies. Those who wish will be shown how to safely net individuals for identification purposes before releasing them unharmed. This is not a formally taught course, but as we net different species Sue will explain how to recognise those diagnostic features that tell us what it is! This will serve as revision for some and an introduction to identification for others.
Lunch: 12.00-1.00 Picnic lunch (provided!)
Afternoon: 1pm – We’ll head further afield walking around more pools on the reserve whilst trying to spot as many species as possible! As the afternoon draws to a close Sue will clarify what make a good biological record and outline a number of different ways in which you can contribute to our knowledge and conservation of dragonflies.
What to bring:Suitable outdoor boots for rough wet ground. The day is largely outside so suncream, sunhats, waterproofs depending on forecast. Water bottle also advised.
The latest ‘Field Guide to the damselflies and dragonflies of Britain and Ireland’ by D. Smallshire & A. Swash will be available for purchase at £17.95 (NB.correct cash/cheque only)
Please be aware the full day will cover a distance of approximately 4km.
Cost: Donations of £20 per person requested
Booking: For full details and booking information please follow this link: Dragonfly Safari