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Summer at last!

A hot day found me racing off from work to stroll along the canal between Blakemere and Colmere. Numerous White-legged Damselflies were a highlight on the canal and large numbers of Black-tailed Skimmer present at…
June 30, 2015

White-legged Damselflies at Whixall

Good to hear Whixall is busy with dragon and damselflies now that we've had some convincing summer weather! K.Lugg was still observing good numbers of White-faced Darters Leucorrhinia dubia last week as well as Large…
June 29, 2015

Skimmers and Brown Hawker on the wing!

Great to get some sunshine yesterday and to be surrounded on the Long mynd by numerous Four-spotted Chaser doing everything at 100 miles an hour! Records have started to come in for Black-tailed Skimmer Orthetrum cancellatum…
June 24, 2015

The joy of exuviae!

More reports of Southern Hawker Aeshna cyanea emerging as M.Cousins found 10 exuviae around her pond near All Stretton on 14th June along with 2 older Broad Bodied Chaser Libellula depressa exuviae. It's always great…
June 17, 2015

Emperors and Southern Hawkers take flight!

No photos, but good news that 2 of our larger Shropshire based species have joined the scene. Having just suggested the chance of Emperors this morning I heard from J.Groom with a suspected sighting last…
June 15, 2015

Whixall Moss update

After a very soggy Saturday, Sunday was a big improvement and P. Hopwood reports a number of species seen at Whixall and better still some great photos:Four- spotted Chaser Libellula quadrimaculata  Female Common Blue Damselfly Enallagma…
June 15, 2015

Downy Emeralds on the wing!

A much better day today involved checking a private site east of Shrewsbury where Downy Emerald Dragonfly Cordulia aenea has been spotted for the last few years and the good news is it is still…
June 10, 2015

Four more species on the wing!

Well it sounds like I was surrounded by dragons and damsels, but I had to work hard to find them! I ventured off to 2 privately owned meres near Shrewsbury today, and on my arrival…
June 9, 2015

Broad-bodied Chasers on the wing

Frustratingly things are still taking a while to get going! Records are drifting in of Common Blue Damselfly, Azure Damselfly, Beautiful and Banded Demoiselles and Large Red Damselfly as seen below photographed by P. Roberts near…
June 8, 2015

On the wing at Whixall..

Good to hear news from Whixall Moss where Barrie Smith saw Four-spotted Chaser Libellula quadrimaculata, Large Red Damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula and White-faced Darter Leucorrhinia dubia all this morning.  Barrie's photos below show the mature male White-faced…
May 27, 2015