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Missing the sunshine!

 Just a couple of great photos to brighten a soggy Friday! This ovipositing female Brown Hawker Aeshna grandis was observed by P. Spear at Dudmaston Pools along with Common Blue and Blue-tailed Damselflies and Common…
August 14, 2015

Dramatic Scenes!

This is definitely a Shropshire based blog, but by accident I was sent a record from northern France by Steve Davenport and thought it was definitely worth sharing. Steve observed an Emperor Dragonfly Anax imperator…
August 12, 2015

Species to look out for…..

Just to mention Small Red-eyed Damselfly Erythromma viridulum -as yet unrecorded in Shropshire, but recorded in neighbouring counties. We are now in the flight period for this species so please do look carefully at any…
August 10, 2015

Dodging the showers….

It's certainly not been stable weather of late, but many of you are persevering and in between showers and cold spells are seeing some lovely dragons and damsels:S. Loose photographed this fabulous Brown Hawker Aeshna…
August 10, 2015

Darting around Whixall Moss…

P. Spear has been enjoying the later summer darters at Whixall Moss and has sent in some great photos: This female Black Darter Sympetrum danae is clearly showing the characteristic yellow splash pattern on the side…
July 27, 2015

Shropshire dragonfly course with sunshine!

Usually when I plan dragonfly teaching events there's every chance of cloud and rain, but last weekend we were lucky and the FSC course at Preston Montford witnessed 17 species! Katherine Gee has sent in…
July 21, 2015

The hour of the Southern Hawker

It definitely seems to be the time to catch these fantastic insects emerging from garden ponds and is certainly the best chance of getting a photo- when they're relatively still! Lots of records received in the last…
July 17, 2015

Just an after thought…

If you want to compare the face of Ruddy Darter below with Common Darter- the top photograph on this blog is a Common Darter!
July 14, 2015

Ruddy Darters at last!

P. Spear has been enjoying the dragonflies at Venus Pools and has sent in the first great photo this year of Ruddy Darter Sympetrum sanguineum.  Enlarging the photo here makes the frons side line visible- this…
July 14, 2015