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Shropshire dragonfly course with sunshine!

By July 21, 2015Blog

Usually when I plan dragonfly teaching events there’s every chance of cloud and rain, but last weekend we were lucky and the FSC course at Preston Montford witnessed 17 species! Katherine Gee has sent in a few lovely photographs:


Berrington Pool did not disappoint with 10 species in all, the highlights being a good number of Ruddy Darter Sympetrum sanguineum (1st pic) and close up ovipositing by Brown Hawker Aeshna grandis -very conveniently on the jetty at the lunch spot! (NB. Berrington is privately owned and permission must be sought for access). The Bog pool at Stiperstones was also brimming with teneral female Emerald Damselflies Lestes sponsa and single specimens of Common Hawker Aeshna juncea and Golden-ringed Dragonfly Cordulegaster boltonii were also seen.
Preston Montford Field Centre itself also had a good number of species on the wing including Ruddy Darter, Common Darter Sympetrum striolatum and Four-spotted Chaser Libellula quadrimaculata. Banded Demoiselles Calopteryx splendens also put in a good appearance:

Female Banded Demoiselle

Male Banded Demoiselle eyeing up lunch?

And Southern Hawkers Aeshna cyanea were observed emerging from the central pond. Interestingly this specimen photographed late Sunday morning is reportedly still there 24hrs later- apparently alive, but clearly in no rush to launch!
And finally we were treated to a fantastic display of Emperor Dragonflies Anax imperator on the wing and ovipositing. No photos as yet, but fortunately S.Barlow has sent me a rather battle weary specimen seen flying on Whixall Moss at the weekend:

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