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A pair of Golden-Ringeds

Meurig Garbutt recently journeyed to Titterstone Clee Hill in search of the aptly named Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly. Unfortunately she had no luck in that department, but amongst the Blue-tailed, Common Blue and Large Red Damsels…
July 7, 2014

Catherton Common in full swing!

Gary Palmer and Rob Stokes both report visiting this area recently, Gary recording a good number of male and female Keeled Skimmers and pairs in cop. Gary's photo below clearly shows the antehumeral stripes on…
July 7, 2014

Four-spotted Chaser – form praenubila

A great shot below taken by Paul Hopwood at Whixall Moss on 3rd July. When four-spots have more extensive patches of black at the wing nodes and sometimes dark smudges of colour towards the end…
July 7, 2014

More Ruddy Darters

Paul Hopwood was also at Venus Pool yesterday and captured some fantastic shots of Ruddy Darter. Thought I'd put them on the blog firstly because they're great shots, but also because they show a more…
July 2, 2014

Ruddy Darters on the wing!

1st July and the first Ruddy Darter record received from Rob Stokes. This immature male specimen was seen at Venus Pool just south of Shrewsbury and the lovely photo below clearly shows the waisted abdomen. Zooming…
July 1, 2014

Scarce Blue-tailed Damselflies on the wing!

Jason Kernohan has recorded Scarce Blue-tailed Damselflies in the south of the county at Titterstone Clee Hill. This species has been recorded here before, but as the name suggests it is rare in Shropshire so…
June 27, 2014

White-legged Damselfies at Whixall

Another sunny day yesterday and Barrie Smith was out spotting White-legged Damselflies on Whixall Moss. In recent years 1 or 2 sightings have come in from this area but records for this species on Whixall are…
June 26, 2014

A Brace of Club-tails!

For all those frustrated by fruitless searches for Club-tails I thought I'd share David William's sighting of 'a marvellous brace of club-tails' seen at Hampton Loade last Saturday (21st June). Not only were they numerous, but also…
June 26, 2014

The joy of exuviae!

Popped out to a couple of ponds near The Bog, Stiperstones and saw a good number of hawkers emerging. Fantastic to see both a Common Hawker (first I've heard of this season!) and a Southern…
June 25, 2014