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Face to face with early Black Darters…

By June 27, 2016Blog

Jan Shields came face to face with the first Black Darters of the season on Friday 24th June at Whixall Moss- seeing 6 in total.

Jan’s photo (left) and Stephen Barlow’s photo (taken on 26th June also at Whixall) show the black triangle on top of the thorax- a diagnostic feature clearly visible in females and immature males.

Jan also took this lovely shot of a Four-spotted Chaser. Other records of note are the first Brown Hawker recently seen by D. Goodwin and J.Jones flying near Berrington and further Black-tailed Skimmers at Attingham. I’ve also had a really good look for Scarce Chaser at Attingham where it was once (!) recorded, but sadly to no avail!