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And finally the sun came out! …and with it came 3 more species on the wing. Beautiful Demoiselle was seen on Dowles Brook in the Wyre Forest and also seen at Hodnet Hall where Dave Emley took this lovely photo of a male. Elsewhere Jan Shields spotted the first Azure Damselflies at Attingham Park, the photo (below left) showing an immature female. Blue-tailed Damselflies have also been seen emerging at Pam’s pools near Bridgnorth- photo to follow soon.

This sudden increase in temperature at the weekend has really got things going. I’m finally seeing good numbers of Large Red Damselfly emerging from my pond and up at Whixall Moss there are reportedly good numbers of Large Reds and White-faced Darters and Four-spotted Chasers continuing to emerge. Stephen Barlow sent in this photo of a Four-spotted Chaser (below right) so named for the 4 dark spots visible at the wing nodes.