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Basking Skimmers

Not just people soaking up this incredible summer, but Black-tailed Skimmers also doing a spot of sun bathing. This species is well known for basking on bare ground and this specimen was spotted by Gwyn…
August 8, 2014

Common Hawker passing by…

I'm always amazed when people can capture these insects on the wing- just as Rob Stokes has photographed this male near Clun. When I first observed Common Hawkers I could barely get a glimpse of…
July 28, 2014

Keep an eye on the borders…

Rob Edwards has been enjoying Emperors, Brown Hawkers and Golden-ringed Dragonflies at Wildmoor Pool alongside Common Blue, Azure and Emerald Damsels. He also brought my attention to the fact that Worcestershire are reporting 'a definite increase…
July 25, 2014

Flying High in the Great British summer!

Some amazing weather enabling some great dragonfly recording including Paul Hope spotting 11 species at Walford Pool including Red-eyed Damselfly, Black-tailed Skimmer and Ruddy Darter. Meurig Garbutt has also taken up the challenge of in…
July 25, 2014

Emperor in flight

Well I casually threw down the gauntlet and Lee Wilkinson has sent in this great shot- sadly in his words a Wrexhamite not a Salopian, but still a fabulous photo- thank you!!
July 17, 2014

Dragonfly recorders feeding mosquitoes!

Lee Wilkinson reports a great visit to Whixall on Tuesday where he saw lots of Four-spotted Chasers, Black Darters, Emerald Damsels and Common Darters as shown below. He also saw a Raft Spider and ovipositing…
July 17, 2014

Spot of lunch anyone?

Catherine Wenman (not a wasp fan!) has been enjoying the spectacle of a Golden Ringed Dragonfly doing lunch in Church Stretton -so much so in fact she has declared the dragonfly 'her hero!'Personally having seen…
July 15, 2014

Hundreds of Emeralds at Whixall!

Barrie Smith has been keeping an eye on Whixall this week and reports 100's of Emeralds which must look fantastic! A male is shown below with his wings held typically at 45 degrees- a trait…
July 11, 2014