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Downy Emeralds on the wing!

By June 10, 2015Blog

A much better day today involved checking a private site east of Shrewsbury where Downy Emerald Dragonfly Cordulia aenea has been spotted for the last few years and the good news is it is still there. Sadly no photos of proof, but definitely worth a mention as now is the time to check if you think you have a suitable site near you. They like neutral and acidic ponds and lakes with trees nearby as the larvae live amongst leaf litter at the bottom of the pools.
I also visited Venus Pool and saw 6 species: Large Red Damselfly, Blue-tailed Damselfly, Common Blue Damselfly, Azure Damselfly, Four Spotted Chaser

…and a female Broad-bodied Chaser

As usual photography isn’t my strong point, but hopefully you can make out that both the chasers have pigment at the base of their wings- a diagnostic feature that distinguishes them from skimmers.
A quick visit to Attingham Park also revealed good numbers of Large Red Damselflies

and Banded Demoiselle

Not a huge number of species yet at Attingham, but great to finally see good numbers. If anyone goes for a visit keep an eye out for Scarce Chaser Libellula fulva -only one record ever made in Shropshire at this location….

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