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Great weather and 3 more species on the wing!

By May 18, 2014Blog

A fabulous weekend had many people out enjoying dragonflies including Jay Mitchell spotting Large Red and Common Blue  damsels on the Rea Brook and Gwyn and Sue Hiatt recording over 10 Beautiful Demoiselles and a number of Large Reds on Shawbury Heath- great pic shown below:

Sue and Gwyn continued their recording on Sunday at Lockgate Bridge near Welsh Frankton spotting not only Large Red damsels, but 2 new species for the season – Banded Demoiselle and Red-eyed Damselfly- again with fabulous photos.

I was also out, but in all the windy places! I did however see my first Blue-tailed Damselfly for the season, but I’m afraid have no photo to show- definitely need to work on my photographic skills- or patience!

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