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Flight season springs into action!

By May 16, 2016Blog

A fabulous weekend of sunshine has finally resulted in a bit more activity! I cycled to a number of sites on Saturday only to be rewarded with a smattering of Large Red and Azure Damselflies and then finally an unexpected teneral Red-eyed Damselfly just NE of Shrewsbury. It seems things really started picking up however on Sunday starting with a female Broad-bodied Chaser photographed by R.Littleover at Dudmaston.

This was followed by S. Barlow seeing Four-spotted Chasers and White-faced Darters at Whixall Moss in addition to the early damselflies. Many of the White-faced Darters were tenerals though the pictures show that a number were already copulating.

Stephen also took this intriguing shot- about to dismiss it with the Hobby almost out of shot he then noticed the Four-spotted Chaser which the Hobby had just failed to catch properly- and quite possibly it’s head?!…..